"The kettlebell won't swing itself." (Mark Reifkind)
If you want to learn,
Join us every Tuesday morning at the crack o' dawn.....this weekday morning class is a wheel of a deal for $25 you get a full hour of group training. Starting at 6:05am we swing, swing, swing, snatch, squat, and maybe swing a little more until 7:00am....and not a minute less! This class is open in the first 30 minutes to anybody and everybody who has been training the kettlebell swing, but be warned.....you must have the disciple to self scale the workloads as the training intervals are advanced. You must already know the skills of the snatch, clean/press and squat to train the entire hour. This is not a "learn" group, although there is always coaching, I do not spend extra time teaching with this group.
It is required for you to reserve your space via email or phone, tracyrif@yahoo.com, (408)421-8293.
Learn to Swing Lessons Four semi private 30-45 min. lessons $200 , or $60 per drop-in. Maximum of only three new students at a time.
Advanced Level 2 One hour, $40 per class. This is open only by invitation. Must have at least 2-3 years experience training high volume kettlebell ballistics, and be able to pass the RKC snatch test.
Inter/Advanced Level 1 One hour, $40 per class. We will learn and train all 5 kettlebell skills, the swing, the snatch, the clean/press, clean/squat, and Get-up, in addition to Max Vo2 training.
if you want to train,
if you want to become the athlete you thought it was too late to become.
You can have a body you're proud of,
and you can be in the best shape of your life....
it's never too late...you just have to show up and swing.
How do I know?You can have a body you're proud of,
and you can be in the best shape of your life....
it's never too late...you just have to show up and swing.
I live it.....I train Russian kettlebells, and I've developed a method of training the kettlebell swing that'll kick your butt, and change your body....for real!
NEW LOCATION starting Saturday January 7th, http://noxcusesfitness.com/,
Tuesday mornings 6:00-7:00 @ Noxcuses Fitness
Join us every Tuesday morning at the crack o' dawn.....this weekday morning class is a wheel of a deal for $25 you get a full hour of group training. Starting at 6:05am we swing, swing, swing, snatch, squat, and maybe swing a little more until 7:00am....and not a minute less! This class is open in the first 30 minutes to anybody and everybody who has been training the kettlebell swing, but be warned.....you must have the disciple to self scale the workloads as the training intervals are advanced. You must already know the skills of the snatch, clean/press and squat to train the entire hour. This is not a "learn" group, although there is always coaching, I do not spend extra time teaching with this group.
It is required for you to reserve your space via email or phone, tracyrif@yahoo.com, (408)421-8293.
Saturday Group Training taught by Tracy Reifkind RKC @ Noxcuses Fitness, Palo AltoLearn to Swing Lessons Four semi private 30-45 min. lessons $200 , or $60 per drop-in. Maximum of only three new students at a time.

Inter Swing/Snatch 45 min., $25 per class. (you may learn to snatch, and clean/press, if you already don't know this skill)
Inter Swing/Snatch 45 min., $25 per class. (you may learn to snatch, and clean/press, if you already don't know this skill)
Basic Beginning Swing 30 min. $25 per class. If you have never attended one of my swing classes then you must either complete a "Learn to Swing" lesson. If you know how to swing but have never been to one of my classes you must start here to be evaluated for any other class skill level.
Basic Beginning Swing 30 min. $25 per class. If you have never attended one of my swing classes then you must either complete a "Learn to Swing" lesson. If you know how to swing but have never been to one of my classes you must start here to be evaluated for any other class skill level.
1-on-1 Private Training. Learn to Swing, Snatch, Clean/Press, Turkish Get Up, and Master Swing Class available upon request and confirmation. $75 per 45 min session.
Learn to Swing Lessons are for new students that have never swung a Russian kettlebell, or if you feel you need more practice and/or instruction before being allowed to attend a Beginner Class. These lessons are booked with a 3 person maximum! I recommend 4 weeks of learning the swing and it will be instructed as follows,
week 1, 2 hand swing and variations of the 2 hand swing week 2, 1 hand swings and transfers week 3, roundabouts week 4, combinations of all of the above swing movements and practice, practice, practice!
Advanced KB Training 1 hour classes are workouts only for those committed to consistent weekly training. In this workout expect to snatch 100's of reps, and/or train the snatch for 5-10 minute long sets. It also include heavy double bell training and Hardstyle swing training.
Intermediate Swing/Snatch/ Clean Press/ Double bells is a 45 minute class that includes learning all of these kettlebell movements, if you don't know already have these skills, and training these skills in combination with swings. A Student must already have a solid swing practice and a base level of conditioning. (equal work/rest intervals)
Basic Beginning Swing is a 30 minute class will almost always be an "equal work to equal rest ratio", and it is scaleable to your current ability.....your ability can, and will change very quickly, lol! This means at least 600 swings in a 30 minute time frame! For the Basic /Beginning Swing Classes, I offer 4 classes for the price of three, but they all have to be attended consecutively, for the simple reason that I believe in consistency. I'm most interested in people getting results, and to do that you have to train regulary.....I haven't missed a workout in over 4 years, and I expect the same from anyone interested in training with me!
Come 5-10 minutes early to stretch and warm up on your own, or park a few blocks away and use walking as a warm up, but be ready to start swinging, on time!
I encourage you to reserve your space via email or phone, tracyrif@yahoo.com, (408)421-8293.
Learn to Swing Lessons are for new students that have never swung a Russian kettlebell, or if you feel you need more practice and/or instruction before being allowed to attend a Beginner Class. These lessons are booked with a 3 person maximum! I recommend 4 weeks of learning the swing and it will be instructed as follows,
week 1, 2 hand swing and variations of the 2 hand swing week 2, 1 hand swings and transfers week 3, roundabouts week 4, combinations of all of the above swing movements and practice, practice, practice!
Advanced KB Training 1 hour classes are workouts only for those committed to consistent weekly training. In this workout expect to snatch 100's of reps, and/or train the snatch for 5-10 minute long sets. It also include heavy double bell training and Hardstyle swing training.
Intermediate Swing/Snatch/ Clean Press/ Double bells is a 45 minute class that includes learning all of these kettlebell movements, if you don't know already have these skills, and training these skills in combination with swings. A Student must already have a solid swing practice and a base level of conditioning. (equal work/rest intervals)
Basic Beginning Swing is a 30 minute class will almost always be an "equal work to equal rest ratio", and it is scaleable to your current ability.....your ability can, and will change very quickly, lol! This means at least 600 swings in a 30 minute time frame! For the Basic /Beginning Swing Classes, I offer 4 classes for the price of three, but they all have to be attended consecutively, for the simple reason that I believe in consistency. I'm most interested in people getting results, and to do that you have to train regulary.....I haven't missed a workout in over 4 years, and I expect the same from anyone interested in training with me!
Come 5-10 minutes early to stretch and warm up on your own, or park a few blocks away and use walking as a warm up, but be ready to start swinging, on time!
I encourage you to reserve your space via email or phone, tracyrif@yahoo.com, (408)421-8293.
I hope this group training can work into your schedule because, I promise, you can be truly inspired to take your training to a whole new level!