I've been practicing Bikram yoga for just 2 1/2 years now, and I'm thrilled that Mark has finally rehabilitated his body enough to share this with me. I'm thrilled for a number of reasons....first, I knew (I know) that he's going to be the best. Why? Because he used to be an elite level gymnast, this type of stuff he's done in his sleep, and besides, he's a child of the 70's, he was doing yoga 30 years ago, before it was trendy. I'm thrilled because we can spend more time together. I'm thrilled because he looks so hot in his yoga shorts! I'm thrilled because he can help me with my practice. And I'm thrilled because he likes it!
Sunday was his second time practicing, and the difference in just one week was amazing. Since the first class was totally new to him,(last week), it was just about learning the sequence, the movements, and tolerating the heat. But yesterday, as I glanced back at him, I could see the young, dedicated gymnast he must of been. I could see deeper by the way he moves his body. His understanding of how the body works is evident to me, and it's, well, quite a turn on, LOL! How lucky am I, that I'm with this guy?
Awesome Tracy......your planned worked!!!! Rif is now a YOGA master...well...almost!
Isn't it great! I'm thrilled! Not just for me, but for him too!
thats so sweet honey, I'm so glad you are enjoying my "attempts" to get into the poses,lol.I really am enjoying the entire process and t I can see that the more I do it the better I will get. My 'inner gymnast' has been dying to get out.
But the MAIN thing I love is spending the time with you and learning from watching kick ass in class! You are as strong in your bikram practice as you are with your kettlebells, which is saying alot! See you in class on tuesday!
all my love
oh yeah, the fact that you are so smokin' hot and I get to watch you practice doesn't hurt either,lol.
yeah right, man -I have eons to go to get to beginner. but it's coming.
You guys are awesome! I'm going to send this over to Ben for some hints. 8-)
You guys rock! How fun to be able to share so many interests with your husband! I am going to make common interests high on my list when I start dating again. I am looking forward to trying this type of yoga after I move.
Do you do any type of yoga?
Look for a guy in yoga class! lol Since starting yoga over 2 years ago I'm amazed at how many "athletic" guys are starting to add Bikram to their training.
Guys are usually so tight, especially the athletic ones, just seeing them show up for class and try so hard can be endearing!
I have tried yoga before. Didn't fall in love with it. But never gave it a great chance. As of now with our hectic schedules it's close to impossible to get that in. I need to find a good yoga once things settle down in my life.
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