Friday, April 18, 2008

Swing/Snatch Workout

Friday AM weight 135.6
5:30am Bikram yoga
7:30 KB

Swings and Snatches w/12kg

15 min set #1
w/2 min rest

40 transfers x 5 = 200 swings, 5 min work
10/10 x 5 = 100 snatches
10/10 x 10 = 200 swings

400 swings, 100 snatches

15 min set #2
w/2 min rest

10/10/10/10 one hand swings x 8 sets, alternating w/
10/10 snatches, x 7 sets,

320 swings, 140 snatches

15 min set #3
w/ 3 min rest

1 swing, 1 snatch, transfer x 12 combinations per min. x 5 set, and then dropped down to 10 combinations per minute x 10

320 swings, 160 snatches

10 min set #4
w/3 minrest

snatch/transfer, 16 per minute x 10 = 160 swings, 160 snatches

Total workout 65 min. (55 min work/10 min rest)
Total swings 1200 (not including transfers between snatches in sets 1, 2, 3)
Total snatches 560

Video to follow this afternoon. (I'm having trouble uploading)

Wednesday snatches, 6R/6L x 5 x 1 = 60, 10R/10L x 5 x 2 = 200
Total 260
Snatch point total to date 6568


Anonymous said...

Hi TR...
do you and/or Mark wear a HR monitor during your sessions? If so what kind of readings do you get in your sessions. How about calorie burn?? if you are able to monitor it.


Tracy Reifkind said...


I need to do that! I just need to get in the habit of taking my HR.

But....I purposely combined swings with snatches for a high volume workout to see if I could make my snatch workout harder....and oh boy, did it!

What I liked about this workout was the work to rest ratio. Out of a 65 min workout, 55 minutes of that was work! It wiped me out pretty good for the rest of the day, lol.

Mark Reifkind said...


I dont wear a HR monitor anymore but I regularly take my hr in the middle and at the end of sessions.Up until last month when I would do snatch vo2 with sets of 8's I would get 185-190 HR readings, which is the correct level for me.lately I have had a hard time cracking 180 which tells me I have to step up the pace, and that I have gotten a great adaptation to the training.

CJ said...


You have inspired me so much by your blog, your dedication, your openess about issues, etc. I had purchased kettles awhile back and then had a car accident with a few broken bones and was not ever able to start until recently. I have 3 sizes, one is tiny but it was all I could do after the breaks healed and I lost alot of strength. I have Pavel's book and video but wanted to ask you since I am just not seeming to get *how*.....How do you not bang up your arm with Clean and Presses and even Snatches? In the past 2 weeks I have incorporated both of these, in addition to swings and I LOVE them, except for the bruising ;) Thanks for all of the inspiration and your help!

Tracy Reifkind said...


I wear sweat bands around my wrists...not for sweat, but for 'cushion'! You may notice that in my 'swings only' workout videos, I don't wear them, just in clean/press, and snatch workout vidoes!

CJ said...


Thanks! I will pick up some sweatbands! I never noticed them on you before but will now :) Have a fabulous day!