I don't usually eat jam, but since buying plain yogurt and flavoring it myself, it quickly occured to me what a great use for homemade jams. If you look at the ingredients of store bought flavored yogurts, alot of times there are additional colorings and flavoring, not to mention how they are sweetened, and how much they are sweetened.
So if you don't make jam yourself or have sweet friends to make some for you, we are in the season of Holiday Boutiques and it's a perfect time to support the efforts of those that make extra and sell them. Like this ollallie berry, you might find flavors not available in stores, but surely the quality will be cleaner and real sugars and flavors have to be better than fake flavors and fake sugars.
PS Ollallie berry is similar to blackberry but without the annoying hard seeds, and it's really sweet! I also got a jar of homemade strawberry jam...lucky me!
Great post! Growing up being allergic to preservatives and other processed chemicals made me really appreciate how good fresh foods are. Although it may take a little more time to make fresh foodstuffs, our bodies will certainly thank us for the effort. Now, if I could find some of those berries in Germany!
You don't need me to tell you to keep it up, but keep it up! :)
Not only am I keeping it up...I'm gaining speed! LOL
I'm sure Germany has other foods available that we don't have..I'm jealous!
I love, not only seasonal foods but, regional foods, also.
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