Another subject Dr Weil mentions in this book is the study of cultures that have a larger than 'normal' population of '100 year olds', and how these people have lived to this age by eating certain diets, staying healthy, physically active, and being a respected and an imporant part of their extended families. How many times do we meet a person in their 70's and 80's that can run circles around other people their own age? What do these people do differently? Hang out with them and see, ask them questions about how they young...learn what they already know. When I'm this age I want to be like them!
If you want to prepare and eat healthier foods, then hang out with friends that prepare and cook healthier foods. If you want to live longer healthier lives, then hang out with people that are living longer and healthier lives. If you want to move your body with exercise then hang out with friends that exercise. If you want to have a more positive outlook on life, then hang out with friends that have a positive outlook on life!
I love my life, my healthy life, and I'm willing to share it with all of my friends. I was motivated to find the answers for myself, and I'm lucky to be full of common sense, and lucky enough to have stumbled over miracles like kettlebell training. I'm also lucky to be able to 'hang out' with friends like Fawn, that can outwalk and out cook me, my sister Donna who always has good postive things to say and offers good advice, my friend Jill that shared with me information on small organic farms (CSA), and has loaned her kitchen for many a cooking 'get-together', our KB friends Gayle and Ross who invited us to visit and stay is their beautiful town of Healdsburg, CA, and loaned me Dr Weils book on tape and shared with me an awesome Ginger and Lemon Fruit Salad recipe, and many more friends that are living and moving in the direction of improving the condition of their lives in healthier more positive ways.
And now that my only job is to take care of my home and family I get to hang out with my own husband, Mark, more! He is not only a brilliant coach/trainer/teacher, but the smartest man I know, and is constantly there for me, helping me reflect on my own habits and behaviors so I can gain more awareness, not to mention how happy I am that he's my yoga partner!
The picture above was taken on Fawn's deck, at a barbeque she hosted for some of her 'blog friends' that attended this last Level 2 RKC. It was great for all of to meet eachother (Kate H., Lauren B, Christine S.) and 'hang out'. I'll be attending 2 more RKC's this year, LA in August, and St Paul in Sept. I'll also be traveling to St Paul again in Aug., where Mark will attend the FMS certification and we'll be staying and hanging out with the Friday's (Aaron and Fawn). We might get to visit Healdsburg again for another Russian kettlebell event and we hope to stay with Ross Allen and Gayle Hunter, swinging KB's on their deck overlooking the Russian River. And finally, maybe a trip to Italy in the fall or the early part of next year where again we will meet up in Milan with Max and Maurizio.
Wow, do I hang out with the some awesome friends or what? Life is good. Hanging out with good, healthy, active, positive friends is good. Being a good, healthy, active, postive friend is the best.
More pictures of food and recipes from Fawn Barbeque posted on Food and Thought later today (Monday).
I would just like to say that you are an inspiration to me! I started my own blog and hopefully will be as successful as you are. I check your blog for new tips all the time :) Congrat's on your achievements!
It is nice to hang out with friends who do the same thing. However, my great lifelong friends are very important to me whether they share the same hard athletic lifestyle as I do or not. My friends have mentioned how I have inspired them to get out and move-I think that's great. I don't bug them, or nag them, or try to tell them how to live, if they get inspired by my actions-then that's just a great bonus side effect from my new way of living. I enjoy now meeting great people who are into the same thing I am-too bad there aren't many around this area who even know what a kettlebell is let alone work with it! That sucks, but maybe it's my destiny to fix that?!
Hope your summer is going well!
Thank you so much for your comments. Blogging has been it's own journey! Looking back recently I've been able to see which direction my life is moving...and it's good!
you're the one I like to hang out with the most. you're so sweet :))
I never meant to imply that anyone should get rid of any friends, lol! Believe me, right now only one of my friends "B K B" (before kettlebells, lol) swings on a regular basis, or exercises at all.
Healthy lives include healthy attitudes, and most of us "hang out" with supportive people, or people that make us feel good by letting us support them. We all learn from eachother.
The point of the post is that if you want to make a change in your life and you don't know how, then seek those who have what you want and learn from them. Go to the source.
I never meant to make it sound like you implied getting rid of friends. I know you didn't. I honestly wish my "old" friends were into the same things I am, but then how boring would that be?! I am driven by being around those who want to help me succeed in my new life, to give me tips on how to do the activities stronger and faster or whatever the case may be. Just like anything new, we want to do, do, do. If I never had to worry about money or bills, I'd be on my bike just pedaling away, or in the pool swimming away, or even out running all the time. Hi, my name is Diana and I'm addicted to exercise! It is such a great high finishing a long or hard (or both) workout-I wish everyone could feel that as strongly as I do. OMG, I have issues!
YOur topic today is one of the few things I dislike about the small town I live in right now. It is the least healthy place I have ever lived, and I'm from the South! Even the people who think they are exercising and eating well are a disaster. And I won't even get into my husband's poor habits! So until I found my community of "friends" on the internet I felt horribly alone. Tracy, you and Fawn and several others really keep me sane in this regard as I peek into your lives much like I keep up with my friends here at home. Unfortunately, I don't get the opportunity to return the favor to you guys like I do my traditional friends. As a matter of fact, lots of times folks never even realize I am there or how much they help me get along. And other times I have developed mutual friendships that have gone on to provide support and encouragement from people who I consider dear though I've never met them in person. What an amazing thing, the internet.
I take it your triathalon training is coming along beautifully?
Most people who think they exercise and eat well are a disaster! I mean how many people think they're doing themselves a favor by replacing sugar with Splenda, just to save a few calories....uh oh, I guess I'm being "judgey", lol.
Anyway, let's just keep on "keeping on", we all do our best.
Thanks for your comments.
I live in a large city and am still surrounded by that lifestyle and attitude as well. It's just a fact of life these days it seems...A friend got me into Kettlebell and the blogs keep me in it. It IS amazing how we can become inspired through the web!
with it only being 68 days and counting-I have already started to ponder what will be my next goal to demolish!
Excellent message Tracy! I love having friends who are more interested in helping me stick to a lifestyle that builds me up.... instead of friends who are constantly trying to sabotage my good eating and exercise habits. You are the perfect friend to have.
I'm so happy for you retiring from nails to devote more to this, your true passion.
It's true what you say about birds of a feather flock together. I've noticed myself drawn more to my friends who take care of their bodies lately, the ones who take it seriously. It's easy to feed off each other's motivation and support. (pun intended lol)
PS- The few minutes I met Mark, he seems like a wonderful man, awesome find :)
You'll be at the LA RKC??
That is excellent, I'm really looking forward to meeting you!
Great photo of some kick ass Kettlebell instructors/strength coaches. What a fantastic looking spread for the BBQ as well. and great video during the cert on those snatches.
Thanks for the book suggest Tracy,
"The point of the post is that if you want to make a change in your life and you don't know how, then seek those who have what you want and learn from them. Go to the source." very wise words :)
Mark and I notice how overweight and 'out of shape' the general population is all the time, and it's not getting better. People are more aware of the quality of their foods, but continue to eat too included, lol!
Another triathalon, no doubt! Maybe the Ironman!
I'm lucky you like me! Having friends that inspire you to do be better...that's what you do for me.
I remember seeing you walking from the drive-thru coffee place with your 'extra-large', super fattening, coffee drinks, not giving a care about calories or health for that matter!
It's so great now seeing you with your baggy of sliced apple, and the confidence in your walk, because you know you look great...and you do!
And, having Mark for a husband gives me the better deal!
Maybe I can toss the 20kg, and 24kg around for snatch reps with you, LOL! NOT! You get the props for that, super job!
I'm an 'alternate' assistant for the LA Cert (I didn't request the position early enough), but at the very least, 'unofficial photographer', lol
I know! Everyone I know seems to talk about eating healthier rather than just eating healthier... Guess all we can do is change ourselves and hope that others will be inspired to do the same.:)
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