Saturday, May 26, 2007

More kettlebell fun

I want to switch Saturdays workout from heavy 2 hand swings to a snatch day, and because I did a snatch workout on Monday, heavy 2 hands on Wed., skipped clean/ presses on Thurs., I wanted to combine light snatches and clean/presses together and have a little fun.

The main work set in this workout (video) has basically 2 snatches, and 2 clean/presses, before starting the combo over again in the same order. The first snatch is done with the traditional down swing, the second with a neg. press, the first clean/press with a traditional neg press and the second with a down swing coming back up into a snatch and starting over.

5 of these combinations are done all on the same side (L) for 1 min., with 30 sec. rest before starting the combination on the other side (R) for 1 min.. The 2 sets rotated inbetween are 1 hand swings, 40 reps all done on the same side (L) for 1 min. with 30 sec. rest before switching to 40 reps all done on the other side (R).

6:45am KB Fun w/12kg

Warm up

40 2 hand swings, 1min. on, 1 min. rest x 3 sets = 6 min.
40 transfers, 1 min on, 1 min. rest x 3 sets = 6 min.
Total warm up 12 min.

Work sets

snatch, snatch/neg press, clean press, clean press/downswing, 5 L, 1 min.
30 sec. rest
snatch, snatch/neg press, clean press, clean press/downswing, 5 R, 1 min.
1 min rest
40 1 hand swings L, 1 min.
30 sec. rest
40 1 hand swings R, 1 min.
1 min. rest, repeat 5 times

7 min. total rotation x 5 = 35 min.

Bottoms up cleans, 10 L, 10 R, 10 L, 10 R, 2 min. on 1 min. rest x 2 sets = 5 min.

Total workout 52 min.


SR said...

Wow Tracy,
how do you keep track of the order of moves? Do you have a "script" on the wall?

Tracy Reifkind said...

When I get an idea for a particular combination, I can see the pattern in my head. I then write it down in my own kind of short hand and verbaly recite it out loud as I go along. The same way I do in the video.

It's the same when I train a client, I explain and write down the combo and then give them the verbal cues as we go along.