Fawn Friday, (unbeknowst to her!) is my best bud! Fawn was on the team I was assisting last April at the RKC, and although she was, at first, resistent to any coaching from me, she came to her senses by the second day and lucky for me she likes me! Mark and I had dinner with Fawn and her husband Aaron, during the RKC, and since then we've been able to keep in touch via our blogs....what fun!
I'm traveling to MN tomorrow and will be lucky enough to enjoy the hospitality of the Fridays. Training, yoga, picture taking, cooking/eating, I doubt we'll have time for shopping..........and shooting? I'm just going to follow Fawns lead. And hopefully she'll still be my "best bud" after my visit, lol.
I am so stinkin', freakin' lucky! Looking back at these pictures, from the April cert, I get excited all over again. I will not be "officially" attending the RKC, but I hope to see other RKC's, and many of the new potential RKC's as well as Pavel, John, Andrea, Brett, and Kenneth....how stinkin' exciting!
Life is good, friends are good, kettlebells are good!
OMG... Best bud! I am so honored! Aaron and I are really looking forward to your visit here with us!
Was I resistant to your coaching? I'm sorry Tracy... I was sure I already knew it all! LOL! You are an awesome coach!
See you tomorrow night!
I was in PA yesterday celebrating my birthday with a massage at Watercourse Way. I didn't realize that Girya was so close!
Have a great time in MN.
No time for shopping?
Shoot, we're staying an extra day just to go to the Mall (of America).
We will shop... don't you worry.
Fawn, I'll tell you my side of the story tomorrow!
And shopping...YAY!
Wow...Watercourse Way! I've never been....I don't even know where it's located...I'm so "Palo Alto illiterate", lol
I was there from 3:00pm-5:00, sorry I missed you!
Maybe next time you can come and workout...and then get a massage!
You're just lucky we can't kidnap Kori...us girls could get into some serious trouble...is there a Neiman Marcus there? LOL
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