I've got more pics, but not enough time to post. Since I am an assistant, and not official picture taker, it's not that easy to get alot of pics. But today is the last day and I'm going to try and take advantage of it.
My journey to lean, strong, athletic and fit through the miracle of progressive Kettlebell Swing Combination training. My food strategies to deal with weight loss, and compulsive overeating, after losing more than 100lbs., and maintaining such a tremendous weightloss for more than 4 years....
I've got more pics, but not enough time to post. Since I am an assistant, and not official picture taker, it's not that easy to get alot of pics. But today is the last day and I'm going to try and take advantage of it.
Finally, some attention from my husband!
I took these 2 photos mainly to show what kettlebell training can do for a womans arms! I'm not the only one with great guns!
Part of my team, the first 2 gentlemen are assistant Mark Toomey and team leader Geoff Neupert.
More update coming soon. Right now Mark just left to go to dinner with Pavel and the other Seniors/Team Leaders, and I chose to stay in and order room service.
I just looked at the room service menu, yuck!!
Set #'s 2 & 4 Two hand swings w/26, deep and high
Set # 1 double swings w/2 26's
12 noon KB
Warm up
40 2 hand swings, 1 min. on, 1 min. rest x 5 sets = 10 min.
Work sets
#1 18 double swings w/26's, 30 sec. on, 30 sec. rest
#2 18 2 hand swings w/26, deep and high, 30 sec. on 30 sec. rest
#3 8 double clean, double push press, 30 sec. on 30 sec. rest
#4 18 2 hand swings w/26, deep and high, 30 sec. on 30 sec. rest (same as #2)
I alternated these 4 sets for 5 rotations. All 4 sets took 4 min. to cmplete x 5 = 20 min.
#5 40 2 hand swings w/36, 1 min. on 1 min. rest
#6 8 double clean, double push press, 30 sec. on 30 sec. rest
I alternated these 2 sets x 5 rotations = 15 min.
#7 1 swing, 1 bottoms up clean, 8 L, 8 R, 8 L, 8 R, 2 min. on 1 min. rest x 3 sets = 9 min.
Total workout 54 min.
We taped set #3, but I didn't think it looked good! Sorry.