40 2 hand swings w/26, 1 min. on 1 min. rest x 3 sets= 6 min.
40 2 hand swings w/36, 1 min. on 1 min. rest x 2 sets = 4 min.
Total warm up 10 min.
Work sets
10 double clean, dbl push press w/ 2, 26's 45 sec. on 45 sec. rest x 10 sets
100 double clean, double press, 7.5 min. total
10 2 hand swing w/ 36, 15 sec. on, 15 sec. rest
20 2 hand swing w/36, 30 sec. on, 30 sec. rest
30 2 hand swing w/36, 45 sec. on, 45 sec. rest
40 2 hand swing w/36, 1 min. on, 1 min. rest
Total 100 swings per rotation = 4 min. x 4 sets = 16 min., 400 2 hand swings
Total workout 33.5 min.
We only had 45 min. for lunch, so I pulled together this quick workout. I had also walked to the cert from the hotel in the morning, but that won't save me from the damage I did at dinner, and dessert! I don't think I'll be weighing myself for a week after I get home. I'm not kidding!
Damn Tracy 100 double C&PP you'll add some mass if you keep doing that. 10 x 10 is a real smoker too. Rock on.
Royce, I had to! I only had 1/2 hour and I meant business! I love the double presses, so I started with those to make sure I got some quick and intense excercise.
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